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簡(jiǎn)要描述:Panagene代理——北京百奧創(chuàng )新科技有限公司,提供肽核酸(PNA)、PNA合成、PNA FISH探針、miRNA抑制劑等產(chǎn)品。

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:型號齊全
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2023-07-08
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:1452




基于PNA材料的優(yōu)勢和我們積累的知識,我們開(kāi)發(fā)了各種分子診斷的創(chuàng )新平臺技術(shù),包括多重,突變基因特異性擴增,SNP鑒別等。為了滿(mǎn)足快速變化的診斷市場(chǎng)需求,我們的創(chuàng )新努力將繼續下去。


Panagene代理——北京百奧創(chuàng )新科技有限公司,提供肽核酸(PNA)、PNA合成、PNA FISH探針、miRNA抑制劑等產(chǎn)品。

Panagene代理——北京百奧創(chuàng )新科技有限公司,作為一家專(zhuān)注于免疫學(xué)、細胞生物學(xué)、分子生物學(xué)等領(lǐng)域核心試劑產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)與銷(xiāo)售的高新企業(yè)。北京百奧創(chuàng )新科技有限公司是中關(guān)村高新技術(shù)企業(yè),于2017年在北京成立。百奧創(chuàng )新依托于中科院的科研技術(shù)力量,以中科院資深科學(xué)家為核心,整合經(jīng)驗豐富的商業(yè)團隊及管理團隊組建而成。百奧創(chuàng )新在產(chǎn)品自主研發(fā)的同時(shí),也與全球多家生命科學(xué)試劑供應商建立良好的合作關(guān)系,基于“客戶(hù)第一"的核心理念,向全國10000+客戶(hù)提供200000+優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品。百奧創(chuàng )新將以品質(zhì)樹(shù)立品牌,以服務(wù)贏(yíng)得口碑,致力于成長(cháng)為重要的生物原料及生物化學(xué)試劑開(kāi)發(fā)與成果轉化的kai tuo zhe,并成為行業(yè)ling xian的優(yōu)質(zhì)供應商。


Custom PNA synthesisPANAGENE has been supplying various designs of PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid) oligo with high quality by PANAGENE's proprietary synthesis technology. All PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid) oligos are manufactured and managed by strict quality control according to ISO9001/2000. With our excellent production technology and long experience in custom PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid) oligo synthesis, we are able to supply PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid) oligo that meets customer's needs. In addition, PANAGENE helps you design your PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid) oligo and provides technical advices.
Gamma PNAGamma (γ)-PNA is a backbone-modified PNA that possesses a stereogenic center through modifications introduced at gamma (γ)-carbon of the backbone. Due to the stereogenic center, the gamma-PNA oligo itself forms an alpha-helical structure, thereby reducing the self-aggregation, improving the solubility and forming a more stable duplex with the target DNA. These features provide higher binding affinity to the target. In addition, various modifications such as internal multi-labeling are possible at any gamma (γ)-position. With these advantages, gamma (γ)-PNA can be an attractive material for diagnostics and drug development.
PNA FISH probeElectrically neutral backbone, a key feature of PNAs, also provides advantages in FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization). The high specificity of PNA by electrically neutral backbone enables rapid hybridization with just a small amount of PNA probe without significant background signal, resulting in high signal-to-noise ratio and washing under mild conditions. Telomere /centromere PNA FISH probes for telomere length analysis are available with a variety of fluorescence.
PNAs™ miRNA inhibitorPANAGENE has developed PNAs™ miRNA inhibitors that are superior in specificity and stability to existing miRNA inhibitors, using PNA’s advantages. PNAs™ miRNA inhibitors are single stranded PNAs, which are an excellent tool for studying the function of miRNAs by specifically binding to endogenous miRNAs and effectively inhibiting their functionIn addition, PNAs™ miRNA inhibitors are combined with CPP (Cell Penetrating Peptide), so that transfection efficiency can be increased and it is possible to penetrate it even without transfection reagent in certain types of cells.


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